Friday, June 17, 2011

Please Visit Our New Website!

To see the latest student drawings from the Monterey Community Day Sketchers as well as our new Scribbles Institute drawing studio at 303 Potrero #59 Santa Cruz, California 831.421.0774:
Drawing League schools and student work: Click here
Our new website: Click here

What Do You Want to Draw Today?

Monday, February 21, 2011

High School Group: Weeks 1 & 2: Lines, Shapes, Proportions, Contours, and Tonal Values

It's great to be back drawing with the high school group again! We've got several students from last year who are taking their work to exciting new levels as well as new student sketchers who started drawing with lines and shapes.

Martin learned about positive and negative space and contour edges to form the egret (upper left). Jairo used positive and negative space and different values of tone to form a skull (upper left). And Robert pulled together a couple of wonderful contour studies of a skull (lower left and right).

 Thalia got into the Zone to complete her drawing of a Vincent Van Gogh sketch (above left) and a drawing of a flower (above right).

Students started the new semester by doing pencil warm ups. Shown above left is Brandon's warm up and to the right is Robert's.

New sketchers worked their way through lessons about lines, shapes, patterns, and proportions. Upper left is Martin's jaguar; upper right is Jose's jaguar; lower left is Charlie V.'s monster truck; lower right is Brianne's toucan.

To view everyone's drawings and Mr. Court's comments click 'Read more' below...

Middle School Group: Weeks 1 & 2: Lines & Shapes

The middle school students at Monterey Community Day School got started on a lot of great drawings! Everyone got right to work and learned how to hold the pencil and move their whole arm while drawing.

As they worked from reference lesson pictures, students learned about proportions (the sizes of shapes compared to other shapes) and drawing on top of mistakes. Desmond's toucan (above left) shows how he sketched light guidelines to measure proportions of the bird's head and body. Omar added lighter and darker tones to his toucan (above right).

Edwards's jaguar (above, left) and Carla's tiger show how they learned to draw accurate proportions. Curved and angled lines were used to show the patterns on the jaguar's body and tail as well as the tiger's face.


Pedro's frog and Sarai's monster truck show how they used overlapping to show depth in their drawings.

Click on Pedro's drawing (above) to view the eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn. If you have drawings you'd like to submit ask Mr. Court about posting them. They must be approved by Mr. McDowell.

To view everyone's drawings and Mr. Court's comments, click 'Read more' below...