Monday, February 21, 2011

Middle School Group: Weeks 1 & 2: Lines & Shapes

The middle school students at Monterey Community Day School got started on a lot of great drawings! Everyone got right to work and learned how to hold the pencil and move their whole arm while drawing.

As they worked from reference lesson pictures, students learned about proportions (the sizes of shapes compared to other shapes) and drawing on top of mistakes. Desmond's toucan (above left) shows how he sketched light guidelines to measure proportions of the bird's head and body. Omar added lighter and darker tones to his toucan (above right).

Edwards's jaguar (above, left) and Carla's tiger show how they learned to draw accurate proportions. Curved and angled lines were used to show the patterns on the jaguar's body and tail as well as the tiger's face.


Pedro's frog and Sarai's monster truck show how they used overlapping to show depth in their drawings.

Click on Pedro's drawing (above) to view the eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn. If you have drawings you'd like to submit ask Mr. Court about posting them. They must be approved by Mr. McDowell.

To view everyone's drawings and Mr. Court's comments, click 'Read more' below...
Excellent start in drawing with lines and shapes, Desmond. You did a great job of correcting the proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes) of the toucan.

Your tiger shows more confidence in your line work and in learning to hold your pencil sideways. Nice job in drawing the monster truck larger and keeping accurate proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes). Keep it going, Charlie!


Grrrreat drawing of the tiger, Carla! You drew it large on your paper while keeping accurate proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes). You're gaining more control in drawing your lines and shapes. I know you did other wonderful drawings but they weren't with the tiger.

Fantastic sketches, Edward! The proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes) of the jaguar and lizard are very well drawn. Great start on the basic shapes of the dragonfly. Keep practicing drawing light guidelines for shapes; then finishing with darker outlines.


Jose J.
VERY nice start in drawing with lines and shapes, Jose! Great job in drawing accurate proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes) on all your sketches. The details of the jaguar and tiger are well drawn. The lighter and darker tones on the toucan are a nice touch.


You got focused and got a great start in drawing the monster truck. The proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes) of its tires and body are very well drawn. Keep working on drawing light guidelines for the shapes of things; then finishing with darker outlines.

Your confident line work and eye for accurate proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes) really shine in this set of drawings. Very nice job of adding lighter and darker tones to the toucan. Keep it going, Omar!

With each new drawing you make, you're gaining more control of your line work and ability to drawing accurate proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes). Great job of drawing guidelines for the shapes of the monster truck; then finishing with darker outlines.

You've got a great eye for accurate proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes) and confidence in your line work. Keep practicing holding your pencil on its side while sketching light, accurate guidelines for the shapes of things. This will help you to develop strong skills in drawing from observation.

Jose T.
As you progressed through the lessons, you gained more control of holding the pencil on its side and drawing accurate proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes), especially on the monster truck. Great job of drawing patterns to show the textures of the lizard and overlapping the frog's legs to show depth in your picture. Keep it going, Jose!


Analycia, I know holding the pencil on its side was a challenge, but you got off to an excellent start in drawing the lines and shapes of the crab. I hope you can finish it and get into the fun of the next lessons, too. :-)

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