Monday, February 21, 2011

High School Group: Weeks 1 & 2: Lines, Shapes, Proportions, Contours, and Tonal Values

It's great to be back drawing with the high school group again! We've got several students from last year who are taking their work to exciting new levels as well as new student sketchers who started drawing with lines and shapes.

Martin learned about positive and negative space and contour edges to form the egret (upper left). Jairo used positive and negative space and different values of tone to form a skull (upper left). And Robert pulled together a couple of wonderful contour studies of a skull (lower left and right).

 Thalia got into the Zone to complete her drawing of a Vincent Van Gogh sketch (above left) and a drawing of a flower (above right).

Students started the new semester by doing pencil warm ups. Shown above left is Brandon's warm up and to the right is Robert's.

New sketchers worked their way through lessons about lines, shapes, patterns, and proportions. Upper left is Martin's jaguar; upper right is Jose's jaguar; lower left is Charlie V.'s monster truck; lower right is Brianne's toucan.

To view everyone's drawings and Mr. Court's comments click 'Read more' below...

Learning to hold the pencil on its side started as a challenge to you, Brianne. But you're gaining more control with each drawing you make. The proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes) of the toucan are very well drawn. Great start on the jaguar.

Nice to be drawing with you again, Alex! As you got back into sketching guidelines for the shapes of things your line work became more controlled and proportions more accurate. Keep it going!


Superb line work. Sharp eye for accurate proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes). And a nice touch when adding patterns and lighter and darker tones. Draw on!


This set of drawings shows steady improvement of your line control and proportional measurements, especially with your large-format jaguar and truck. REALLY like it when you make your line work more expressive. 

Charlie V.
You're getting used to using the pencil on its side, Charlie. Each new drawing that you complete shows more confidence in your lines, shapes, proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes). The lighter and darker tones on the monster truck are a nice touch!

Great to be drawing with you again, Jairo! You're off to a great start in exploring drawing realistically and how to use different materials and techniques.

Charlie L.
Great start in drawing with lines and shapes, Charlie! The proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes) of the toucan are well drawn.

You're making steady progress in drawing with lines and shapes, Jose. The proportions (sizes of shapes compared to other shapes) of the jaguar are VERY well drawn. Keep practicing sketching light guidelines for the shape of things; then finishing with darker outlines.

Stellar work, man! Keep honing your keen eye for accurate proportions, positive and negative space, and natural-looking contour edges. A very cool drawing style is starting to show in your line work.   


Wonderful drawing of Vincent Van Gogh's sketch!!! And very nice contour edges forming the flower! Great to be drawing with you again, Thalia :-)

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